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As education leaders, we understand that it's hard to keep up with the latest data trends and make data-driven decisions without the right tools. It is overwhelming and hard to know where to start, and even harder to know if you're making the right decisions based on your data...YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Many schools find themselves in the position of needing tools that can help make sense of the data. EdPower can help. Let us show you how our revolutionary tool, EdInsights, can shorten your process, seamlessly organize raw data into actionable insights, and drive data discussions to guide instruction in real-time with brilliant data visualization reporting. See for yourself!
The strategic partnership between the Elam Leadership Institute and EdPower brings your data to life!
We maximize teacher toolkits to help you simplify the process of data analysis and application.
Our interactive data platform drives personalized research-based professional development.
Hands-on professional team helps analyze your data reports.
EdPower fuels the Elam Leadership Institute by providing data correlations to help districts understand how to move forward.
EdPower has the unique ability to pull in data from any system currently being used in a district. EdPower helps identify and analyze multiple data points (achievement, behavior incidents, and tiered interventions) for educators to clearly make connections to effective practices as well as identify the root causes of your gaps.
Disaggregating data is important!
Aggregated data can mask inequities
Disaggregating data provides an accurate account of what's really going on
Disaggregating data can help inform why disparities are present in the data
I used to think...
Now I know...
Interpreting data is easy
Data was overwhelming and foreign
Looking at data was not complicated
That data is so broad and it can be misread. I learned the importance of analyzing data and the creation of action plans
When you ask the right questions as a collaborative team the answers are revealed
It is very nuanced
Ready to UNPACK your gap?
With Elam Leadership Institute and EdPower together, we provide the tools and support you need to boost student and teacher success!
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