I was really happy to see billions of dollars allocated for K12 education budgets during December of 2020 and January of 2021. Here is the breakdown with some great resources if you follow this kind of thing!
$54 billion were added to the (ESSER- Cares Act) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund. This second round of funds are called ESSERII funds (CRRSA Act). The funds are available through September 30,2022 and can be RETROACTIVELY applied all the way back to March 13th 2020. Once the states (SEA) receive the funds, they must be awarded within one year.
These funds need to be tracked separately and there are accountability measures with the funds including how the state is using the dollars to measure and address learning loss, including the amount of students affected by COVID and school closures.
Did You Know?
Funds can be used to address learning loss.
Testing can be covered with these funds.
$4 billion were added to the (GEER) Governor's Emergency Education Relief Funds.
These funds are to ensure continuous learning for students in all schools.
$2.65 Billion of these dollars are earmarked for non public schools. The non public schools dollars are titled EANS funds (Emergency Assistance for Non Public Schools). EANS funds have to be applied for by the Governor.
Did You Know? EANS funds can be used for:
Professional Development
Instructional Planning
Supporting Remote and Hybrid Learning
Remediating Learning Loss
What is your State Doing? Use this tracker to find out how much your state has been awarded as well as how much has been spent and where.
Check out this fact sheet to understand the differences between the ESSER Fund (CARES Act) and ESSER II Fund (CRRSA Act).
Do you have additional questions? Send them on in to us at info@silverbacklearning.com and we will include the answers in our next blog!
Irrespective of whether you are a that's not my neighbor seasoned player or a newbie to the game, this update certainly has something to offer each and every player.
The recent COVID-19 funding for K-12 education is a crucial step towards enhancing learning environments and providing necessary resources for students. For those seeking additional academic support, it's important to note the availability of assignment help in New Zealand to ensure students remain on track. As schools adapt to new funding initiatives, resources like expert online assistance can help bridge learning gaps. This investment in education will benefit both teachers and students, creating a more supportive learning environment.